Saturday, June 21, 2008

Adopted a pet

Company newly launched program - "adopt a pet". All the permanent staffs are eligible to adopt a pet and company will sponsor rm50 for it. Actually this program is not to educate the staffs on caring animals issue. It is for office ergonomic issue -- adopt a mouse :D

Went to Harvey & bought a laser wireless mouse. The pet has an ergonomic design, attractive color and reasonable cheap price :). It just cost rm79.90 nia - piggy got rm40 company vouchers & wolfy got rm50 company subsidy. Earned rm10.10 some more... lol.

Just big enough to fill my palm
My first Laser wireless mouse :D
My existing mouse & the new tail-less mouse.
I like the AVF's product as it is from Japan and the design vs price very attractive.


Anonymous said...

Hehe...i think your new ergonomic mouse if too small for your hand ler. Not "ergonomic" enough. Should buy a bigger one mah :P.

RedCrabby said...

That is the standard mouse la. if bigger one, that is not a mouse. That is called RAT. I dun want to adopt a rat as my pet :p