Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My IBM died

What a present surprise! This morning i was rush to office for a project meeting. When i settle down everything and ready to powerup my IBM, some strange behavior happened. The fan of the system kept running and the screen did not show anything. Well, initially i thought this was due to the slow performance of my IBM. But it wasn't. I reschedule the meeting and took him to clinic. So panic as no backup been done since last quarter's system rebuilt.

It just took 5 minutes for the IT guy to diagnose it and the system is declare died. They did the surgery to take out the brain and migrate to a refurbish system. Whole process took only 15 minutes. Fortunately, everything working fine and the speed of the new system even faster :p.

I need to backup the system now, else all my critical information and treasure photos will gone.

Today not a bad day for me though...hehe.


Anonymous said...

I think the refresh for T42 will be soon. Last time i heard the IT ppl talking about it when i went to fix my T43. Must always do backup...else you will be questioned if you lost any codes :P.

RedCrabby said...

My new refurbish laptop cacat one. Blue screen, system halt since last night. I have to send this sick man to hospital for surgery again T_T. Anyway, backup info is a must for programmers. Will backup ASAP.