This post suppost to be post last month. Due to some "technical issues" I only manage to post it by today. Family & I visited this Restaurant during last trip to KL. It was introduced by HoChak!. After watching the program, my "air liur" almost drop down. The restaurant is located at the downtown Serdang. The specialty of this restaurant is, they offered variety on "Jiu Pai Choi"(special meals). It was famous on its "Bak Ku Teh", "Pork Leg", "Claypot Cheese Crab"(lots of ppl ordered this, next time i should try it),"Stimmed Shang Yu Pin"(This is the dish that drive me to visit this restaurant:p ),"Serdang Lat Tong"(Spicy Sour with Ayam Kampung), and many more. Lets the pictures describe it :)
This is my piggy favorite. Chicken feets and "usus babi" in "Bak Ku Teh" taste.
"Stimmed Shang Yu". The chief cooked the meat and the bone separately to avoid overcook or undercook for both parts. The fish is so fresh, cut into slices and you can really enjoy the milk taste of the fish.
The is the famous soup in Serdang - "Lat Tong" - cooked with rice wine and kampung chicken. Those who cannot eat spice, not a choice for you :p
"Tin Gai" in onion and ginger - this is the dish that you hardly found in Penang. Even my piggy oso ate it. She pretend this is the fish meat. Well, it does taste like fish meat though.
Next is the "Pai Gut Wong". Nothing special but taste great.
Nothing leave behind after the carnivors attack -_-"

Here is the location. Further details, please refer the HoChak! clip....hehe
Yummy....feeling hungry now even though i just taken my dinner -_-". I also want to go. Your map so small...i cannot see lar. Can send me a bigger version one?
Added a bigger photo, hope it helps. Still cannot get it? Just treat me the dinner & i will show you the way la ;)..haha
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