Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New friend to intro

Recently i introduced my best friend Buntu to Behbeh. Today he introduced an even more talented friend to me, Android. With his undiscovered power & bottomless potential, I strongly believe he is the next leader of the electronic world. If you don't know who is Android, just wiki/google it.

This is the first gphone in the planet...

Millions of thousand more to come soon...

*PS emot: This afternoon i told you that iphone 3G is the best phone in the market, i guess i need to pull back my words... :D

My next wishing-list item == iphone 3G Android phone ... muackssssss


~David~ said...

when u'll get ur wishlist jek? XD

RedCrabby said...

i think the phone needs to wait few years only will be available in Malaysia. Can start saving money now...hehe