This is the first gphone in the planet...

Millions of thousand more to come soon...
*PS emot: This afternoon i told you that iphone 3G is the best phone in the market, i guess i need to pull back my words... :D
My next wishing-list item ==
Life without love is like love without sex - i call it imperfect.
Last month learn a powerful phrase from Tiger - bedframe clipped XX, suffer in silence "床板夹XX,有苦自己知“
This week, i learn a new Cantonese's noun from Rebecca - "Africa Monk/非洲和尚". Cannot resist to speak it out loud. I will continue using this name, at least for the rest of this week... lol
IKEA, one of my favorite "window shopping" venue in KL. This is the place to get some professional & free ideas on how to decorate your lovely house.... hehe.
Monitor. Personally spent 10 hours in front of the monitor. ~ 6 hours with IBM & lap monitors. ~4 hours with Optiplex. OMG, even more than da time i spend with my Anyway, 20 inch monitor sure not sufficient for me (have spared 10 inch to piggy to watch drama pun -_-"). Wish to get another extra one to expand my view... hehe. (hopefully, the newly bought graphic card can support dual display mode)