Saturday, August 2, 2008

Animal chipsets

Just noticed that the company current trend for product naming convention is based on animals. Interesting huh?... guess how many of these products you familiar with (should not be company confidential stuffs gua, since those products had been announced in the public :p)

Hari-hari mahu *ny favorite* :D



When is my turn huh? :p


Anonymous said...

Very good......

pinkylicious said...

Why not you invent a SW tool and call it RedCrabby? :P

RedCrabby said...

No intention to invent anything. Perhaps, i am thinking to give a special nickname for my future son(*he has a very high chance to named "ha mai zai")... lol

Anonymous said...

evergreen tree coming up next!... u will understand what i am talking about by end of this year.. stay tune!

RedCrabby said...

ooo... Will change to plant instead? Interesting huh :)