Had a group buddies lunch yesterday. 4 pairs of buddies - botak/sy, sata/tiger, me/arip, irene/looksiew. Team decided to have the lunch @ PEN Mutiara restaurant, Batu Maung. The restaurant is newly renovated and it looks like a 5 star hotel!... another project from BN -_-". Anyway, the specialty of this restaurant is curry fish which we did not order... lol. The restaurant got many "VIP" customers - BN YBs, PKR YBs, polispolis, datuk-datin... i believe the restaurant owner is a VIP as well.
Here are some random shoot before the meal:
You guys will wonder why no photo for the foods. Well, what i can said is - EV Food WAR - the monsters prefer to hold the spoon & forks instead of the camera.... haha
Lastly is the trademark poses :). Remarks here: Next time i want to order the curry fish head!
Wah....long time no see, so yau yeng already :P. No wonder so many leng luis want to talk to you. Carin got jealous ar? :P
I tell the story to her, she wanna cut off my hair... lol
i knew most of the ppl in ur photo~lol...eg, YC, KH, Irene, KJ, CH,...the 1st comment...is that mei gie???
if MG <> MG
MG = Maggie Mee
MG = Maggie Mee
end if. :D
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