Time seems passed so fast since last week. Try to catch every precious moments with Maggie before she leaved Penang. The feeling of missing someone is really pain. Something tasted like when you ate the lemon, it will force your tears drop without you noticed. I am quite sensible sometime, even the touching moment in Survivor's show can make my tears dropped (not cry).
Weirdly, my tears did not drop during the moments with MG >_<... cool . So sad to see her happy face cried, we should celebrate the farewell in a cheerful environment. As the last gathering with MG and Jeff, we hang out at QE2. My first time visit this place though. The environment is brilliant, not really disappointed me, just felt like not too happening for clubbing. MG felt a little bit too noisy. The environment turns cheer once the alcohol being served.

rm5 carpark fee include the fetch and photo session (worth enough..hehe)

YC and his beloved Carin

YC and his beloved Ladyboy - Jeff

Why Jeff so interested on this toilet? Why always hang out with Botak in the toilets? ;)

Carin and MG

The most charming guys in the restaurant...hehe

Enjoy life...cool

Princess of the day...and the benchmark..hehe

Another group pose

Another group photo (why I did not see the famous pose from MG?)

Jojo and his beloved "Suling/Swee Lee??"

Cheers for the future, best wishes to you guys

Guiness is for the men... old men.

Before drunk


YC is torturing his Carin >_<

Lonely drunker

Double penetration...Ladyboy's strongest skill

This is the correct way to test the purity of the wine :p

I think KF is drunk

The princess is enjoying the non-halal drink

Bottom up.

Taste so good...hehe

She looks blurblur...so cute :p

The photographer get drunk as well....haha

Here come the clear one. How come KJ looks so hamsap?

Here is the proof...haha

Group photo @ the entrance....with the drunken lady
Happy hours are passed so fast, it is time to say byebye again T.T . Expecting to get some good bye hugs from you guys but since everybody are drunk, we just shaked the hand and went home. I am really enjoying the time with you all. Good luck and all the best. Our next gathering might be host in KL/Subang, who knows MG might treat us for a big dinner.......
Before the post ended, i want to share a song with you - "
Love too late" Leo Gu.
Treat all you love one nicely before it is too late. Good night la.

Good bye my precious buddy.
Goodbye, my buddy. You are the best buddy ever! Though i am so far away from you all now, yet i feel so close in the heart. Really happy for the times you spent with me and Jeff. Thank you for sacrificing so much time for us. I really miss you. Hope to see you soon again :).
MG: KL/Penang are not so far compare with those days we travel from California to Grand Canyon >_<. I will visit you one day, hopefully I can have a chance to taste on Uncle Lim's cooking skill :p
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