Since returned from the States, my natural clock cannot aligns back to the local time. Used to wake up at 4am and shut down at 9pm >_<. Is this a healthy life?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Good morning :)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
What a productive day!
Busybusy... how come everybody lengan-lengan for few weeks d, suddenly like the whole team like alert or something. Every hours need data...sian. I like the quote for Tailoo today, "I felt boring at office, came down to the lab even BORING, no data, no update, no activity huh?! I had been bored for a week" man...damn pressure ler.. anyway, today is really a productive day. I am full of momentum to work now! GANBATEH NE
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mooncake Festival
I believe the moon over here is as bright as the one in my hometown.
Missed the two mooncakes that still kept inside my fridge. Missed another mooncake festival with my family & piggy >_<....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Farmosa - da beautiful island called Taiwan
Had a trip to Taiwan last week. This Taiwan trip actually was purposed by Piggy, I personally prefer HongKong than Taiwan, Taiwan was still a strange country to me at that time. Luckily it was not disappointed..hehe. Kudos to Piggy for the efforts to make this trip happened...muaxxxx.
Initially i was thinking Taiwan was a lousy country that similar with Malaysia, but after the trip, it proved that i am wrong. Well, Taiwan is far more developed beyond my expectation.
(felt sleepy, seem like got jetlag >_<... take a nap first, to be continue later)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Where the hell is Matt?
Simple dance, beautiful world! Wish i can dance with him someday at Penang's bridge :)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
福星系列 - Lucky Star Series
80s-90s was the peak season of the HK movies. From vampires series, gambling series, wong fei hong series, stephen chow series, etc... the lucky star series were one of my favorites - although i was not very follow these movies during their release timeframe. I just start knowing this series during my form-3 where the folks used to hang up in group & bluffing when the teachers skipped class.
The Lucky Star had been filmed 7 movies from 1985-1995. Its story line is about a group of 4/5 "fokxing" who helps the police to accomplish the illegal missions. Some of the K lei fair actors in the movies are super stars now. Is good to have some laughing during weekend - hope you enjoy the clips :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Never Lost (tm)
Finally i got the chance to experience the GPS device in Malaysia. With the combination of the Garmin on my tube, i will never get lost in Penang anymore (*btw, do i ever get lost in penang huh??? ... shame on me )
Check out BKM from Evoire's blog on how to turn the 5800 into a powerful GPS device.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Have you joined the BLOGGER contest?
Click the link to see how to win an Iphone 3G :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Majlis Pelantikan Speaker?
Perlantikan Speaker in Malaysia even simpler than perlantikan ketua darjah... -_-"
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Happy April 1st!
April 1st... the first thing reminded me was the died of Leslie Cheung. Kok kok made a big "joke" with the world by choosing that day to end up his life. Still remember the SMS that i received from Eddie Chai that Leslie was committed suicide. Well, for sure nobody will gonna believed it. My reply to Eddie was "yaya, very funny huh?"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
rest peacefully

Oh Man, just stand there for few hours, i felt so tired & torturing already - even though in the aircon room.
I wish to have a hot shower...
a shoulder massage...
aroma therapy...
& rest there peacefully :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Intrepid Ibex Vs Hardy Heron
It was way back the time i had updated to Ubuntu Ibex. So many bugs ever seen after the upgrade. Most of the application failure issues can still be tolerate, but the most concern trigger me is the failure on the gnome terminal! Man, linux without console is like the car without steering... how am i going to drive it? I need to fix this.
After browse through the Ubuntu ticket list, i decided to gave up my initial thought. There are too many bugs seen on Ibex pending for closure. Is this upgrade worth it? I will downgrade to Heron once the current system backupped.
Just to name few major bugs that bitting my ass:
1. Bad graphic driver
- Detail: Unable to load the 3D graphic
- Damaged 3: No google map, no Elisa
- Detail: System will stuck at the exit screen when ctrl+alt+backspace
- Damaged 1: Need to press power button to force it closed
- Detail: System graphic mess up when execute the terminal
- Damaged 100+: Cannot see anything on the screen. No console means nothing else i can do!
- Detail: The system sound is not loud enough
- Damaged 5: I need to tune up the speaker in order to catch the sound.
- Detail: No application listed on the panel
- Damaged 10: How am i going to add/remove application???
(painful action for me >_< )
Monday, January 19, 2009
Drunken crab