Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Slow network == mentally torture

How come the network so slow?? Should i change my TMNEt to others broadband service providers? Slow network means low productivity. It took half an hour to send out my weekly report, i totally panic >_<. Luckily it able to send out in time, else i will kena sawalingam by my boss :)

I am uploading the activity photos to flickr, hopefully can finish upload it before 12.00am. else I will break my promise to Fong Goh - to upload the photo to him by today.

Time passing 11:52pm - the indicator on flickr Uploadr still sending the second photo >_<. Let me brush my teeth first.

Oh no, 11:58pm - Only uploaded 7 photos. Is this the speed that we paid for???

12:00am - Sorry dude, I not able to make it.

12:15am - Just send out the link will do. Let the Uploadr run for itself.

Uploading photo is much more troublesome than downloading porno. TMNEt should change their asynchoronous service to synchoronous!

I really wonder why so many "very tall" ppl subscribed to it?!


Anonymous said...

Hehe.....actually uploading to blogger also takes a long long time. Just dont do it last minute, then you wont panic :P.

RedCrabby said...

>_< no choice. Time will never enough for those poor in time management, like me.